Vivian FAQs

Vivian FAQs

If you ever need to reach out to Vivian directly for support, you may access their Help Center via this link.

  1. Response rates and times are calculated based on the percentage of messages responded to personally (not including those automatically generated) and the amount of time that elapses between a candidate's initial expressed interest and the recruiter's initial personal response.
    1. We require every recruiter to stay above a 95% response rate and below an eight hour first response time to continue using Vivian – in addition Atlas expects recruiters to maintain a 100% response rate within 24 hours (including weekends) with any lead left not responded to over 24 hours potentially resulting in having Vivian leads turned off.
      1. Any lead left open more than 24 hours can be transferred to another recruiter who will then contact them instead, though transferred leads due to slow response time are not replaced, and repeat offenders allowing leads to sit without a response for over 24 hours will be subject to Vivian account suspension or potentially removal from the platform.
      2. Auto-suspensions are set by Vivian such that any recruiter falling at least 10% below the average response rate of all Atlas Recruiters will have their account suspended – to reinstate all open leads must be personally responded to. Please keep in mind that only Vivian admins can reinstate auto-suspended accounts, Atlas admins will not be able in these cases.
    2. Example of an automated response that would not count toward response time:

    3. Example of a personal response that would count toward response time:

  2. Best practice when first responding to an inbound application lead is to use a messaging template to avoid confusion, especially if the candidate is using a mobile device, as they may not see context to determine what your message is in regard to. Rather than simply sending, "Hi, this is Kyle," it is recommended to mention that you are with Atlas MedStaff, the candidate's job specialty, and location.
    1. Example of a first response template:

  3. After initially responding to the candidate, best practice is to click on the cloud sync buttonso that their phone number will be synced with their Bullhorn profile.
    1. The ↓ within the cloud sync button will change to a √ once a sync is completed.
  1. Please Be Advised – Recruiters that have five or more candidates who shared their contact info with us but their phone number is missing in Bullhorn will have Vivian leads disabled until all missing information is successfully added to Bullhorn. Click here to review Vivian Guidelines in greater detail.
  1. Automatically posted jobs are priced base on the deal sheet at 21% GM (Gross Margin), $350 misc. reimbursement, and the pay is directly from the Est. Weekly Gross field within Bullhorn.
    1. Currently we're auto-posting jobs on Vivian in which the Est. Weekly Gross value is between $1,000 and $7,000, the start date is within the last four weeks, 'Post to Vivian' field shows Yes, 'Status' shows 'Accepting Candidates', 'Job Publishing Status' shows 'Open', and 'Billrate Trust' field is 'VMS Sync Trusted' or 'CM Reviewed'.
Public Manual job postings have been disabled for all recruiters to ensure compliance with new pay transparency laws – making absolutely certain our pay disclaimer is on all public jobs.
  1. If a recruiter messages a candidate on Vivian any new jobs that candidate expresses interest in will go to that recruiter. This prevents a candidate going to two or more different recruiters even if the original recruiter they interacted with has their Vivian inbound lead notifications turned off.
To have your inbound leads turned on/off you simply need to email or send a Teams message to Justin Pietig and Kyle Newsome, as well as add yourself to the Vivian Leads Off Use This One spreadsheet.
  1. Training Video presented by Adam Rosen of Vivian's Customer Success Team:

  1. If you ever have a candidate that you do not want to work with (multiple red flags, foul or abusive language, etc.) please email Kyle Newsome with a brief explanation and any supporting screenshots of pertinent conversations so our Vivian representative can be notified to block the candidate from contacting Atlas.