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    • Do we have any jobs shorter than 13 weeks?

      The vast majority of our jobs will be 13 weeks. We are not a "fast staffing" agency and should communicate to travelers that our model is built on providing greater stability by focusing on a standard 13-week contract duration. When travelers are ...
    • New Hire Training Manual Corrections

      The below is a list of minor corrections to be suggested to after having reviewed the New Hire Training Manual, DRAFT 2.3.8. which is attached to this article. Page 10, Paragraph 1: "…mistakes, and the power of good coffee ...
    • Choosing the right mode of communication

      When choosing which mode of communication to contact travelers with, we should strive to find the balance of what works best for us with what each individual traveler expresses as their communication preferences so as to get the most out of each ...
    • Screening prospective travelers

      As we continue our ongoing search to find qualified and quality healthcare professionals, we should regularly ask ourselves, Is this someone I would want taking care of me, my friends, or my family members? This answer we instinctively come to can ...
    • Handling difficult conversations when a traveler is terminated

      Difficult conversations will inevitably come up, whether it be internally with a fellow Atlas team member, or a traveler out in the field. It is vital that we not let these tougher interactions control our days. It may be tempting to postpone rather ...